Morayfield East State School Parents and Citizen`s Association
All parents and community citizens are welcome to join the P&C.
Who makes up a P&C?
EVERYONE - The P&C is made up of volunteers, people just like you – parents, caregivers and community minded people who want to help and be involved with their school. With new faces, comes new ideas and new enthusiasm, everyone is welcome to come and join and be involved.
How do I become a member?
To become a member of the P&C come along to one of our monthly meetings which are the second Monday of each month alternating 3.15pm. Keep an eye out in school newsletters and Facebook for meeting reminders.
What does the P&C do?
- Fundraise for school resources & facilities
- Manage school Tuckshop/Uniform shop
- Assist with school functions
- Liaise with Principal and Deputies on school policies and programs
- Some projects where funding/assistance was provided by Morayfield East State School P&C: - Large fans for the school hall, nature play area, rainbow tunnel, readers for 3-6 students, whiteboards for classrooms, free hats for every Prep student each year, contributions to the Year 6 graduation, grants to regional and state sporting representatives, subsidising student leadership program at end of year
How can you help?
- Do you know a company who would like to make a donation or sponsor one of our fundraising events or raffles? We are now endorsed as a deductible gift recipient (DGR) so any donations over $2 we can provide a taxable receipt for.
- Do you think you could help by sourcing out sponsorships or writing grant applications?
- When you see our flyers come home please have a read and consider how your family can contribute.
- Come join the P&C volunteer your time and contribute to ideas of how we can make the most of our fundraising efforts.
If you would like more information about becoming a P&C member or have any suggestions for future fundraising please do contact us on If you would like to find out more about what P&C’s do and what the above roles involve please visit