Library Information
Library Hours
Open for students during class borrowing times.
Open first break for Grades Prep to Year 2.
Open during second break for Grades Year 3 to Year 6.
Students are welcome at the library during break times to borrow, read, play games, and enjoy a quiet place with their friends. At times we offer specialised themed activities to coincide with community celebrations.
Library Resources
Students can borrow from Junior Fiction, Easy Fiction, Fiction, and Non-Fiction.
They are also able to make use of the library resources such as Reference books and games.
Student Borrowing
- Prep students – 1 Junior Fiction book
- Year 1 – 1 Junior Fiction or Non-Fiction book
- Year 2 – 1 Fiction and 1 Non-Fiction Book
- Year 3 – 1 Fiction and 2 Non-Fiction or vice versa
- Year 4 to 6 – 2 Fiction books and 2 Non-fiction books
Loans are for two weeks but books can be renewed if more reading time is needed. Books cannot be borrowed if there are outstanding loans. Books can reserve for students, just let the library staff know the name of the book that is of interest.
For students with different reading requirements the above can be altered, please discuss with library staff.
Laptop Lab
The library is also home to a bookable Laptop lab for students and teachers. This lab adds to a suite of roaming Laptop Labs for every class and a dedicated desktop computer lab.
Library Bags
All students need to have a library bag to carry their books between home and school. This can be as simple as a plastic shopping bag (as long as it will protect our books from being damaged).
Overdue Books
Notices are sent out regularly each term to remind students of overdue items. Once an item has been overdue for a lengthy period of time a letter is given to the student to take home outlining options for a book that is not returned.